Saturday 2 April 2016

Day 23 - Post day 4

Not much to report so far. Things don't feel like they have changed much since stopping the cream, I am still way itchy most of the day and am now slapping a lot of paw paw cream as it seems to decrease the tight-as-a-drum feeling.  I think I can see a reduction in the coverage of the reaction from 'all over' towards 'spots'. I think my forehead is reducing a bit. I've just gone back and looked at Day 18 etc....I am pretty sure it's getting better.

In hindsight I think I would now recommend doing this in a "week on/weeks off " manner  if that was at all possible. I don't really care how gruesome I look and nor do I care what people think (and frankly have not noticed any weird reaction from anyone so far), and if the week on/weeks off method is less painful then I would try that. The downside is it takes a few months to do three or four cycles, vs this month of hell all-at-once way. 

Or maybe just do sections at a time.

Here's me today before any rinsing or ointment, just after morning coffee..

 and then after a shower, shave and paw paw cream application.

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