Friday 8 April 2016

Day 29 - Post day 10

Still pink, still flaky. Still have some lumps on the chin I hope will flake off, which I think was either typical reaction in the beard area, or pimples brought on by too much paw paw cream for a week.

Estimates of healing time are 2 -4 weeks after finishing the cream, and 3 months for all the pink areas to fade away.

Here's me before any shave this morning at coffee time.

1 comment:

  1. Karl, I found your blog very helpful. My experience was pretty much spot on to yours, I am day 4 from finishing the cream and it is as sore as ever. I have decided on a short course of prednisone which is relieving the symptoms. I've scared the kids to put sunscreen on more than ever. I just wanted to say thank you.
