Why I'm doing this

I had been advised by my Dermo to try a treatment called 'Efudix Cream'. A friend of mine had done it a few years ago. I remember him starting it, then I remember some spots, then next time I saw him it was 'my god that looks so painful'...and then the next time he started to heal, very quickly. By a month or two he looked years younger and no longer had the small sun spots on his forehead.

That's about all I knew. Now I'm trying it for much the same reason as he - grew up in Western Australia with anglo saxon skin, out in the sun all our lives, and in adulthood deal with the numerous BCCs and keratoses that appear as we get on.

I found a few blogs with some horror stories, and thought I'd do the same. One thing I've noticed is some people were advised to do 30 days, some advised 21 and some 14. I've been advised 21 days. I've even seen some who'd been prescribed two weeks on, then five weeks off, then back on for 2 weeks. I figure it's all about what your Dermo has prescribed.

Hopefully it might help new people who are using Efudix/Efudex cream to see a range of experiences - a lot of the pictures and stories you see on the net are of people who had very adverse, painful reactions. I figure mine is somewhere in the middle range. For the most part, my treatment was uncomfortable but not painful. However, I didn't make the whole 21 days as I ended up stopping because it became too uncomfortable to continue.

Here's some instructions about the product

Good luck!

PS I also recommend you visit shoesofredfern.wordpress.com

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