Friday 1 April 2016

Day 22 - Post day 3

Yesterday had some of the itchiest periods. It comes over like a wave, and somehow it goes away. I used a lot of ice pack in front of tv. I think it gets worse after hot food, or food where I have to open my mouth wide. Whatever, it was quite itchy.

After showering and shaving I showed my partner the result and there was a lot of flaky areas waiting to shed.

This morning I tried washing with a small amount of Aveeno body wash which is meant to be soap free or similar, anyway I was very careful not to use it directly, just washed my hands, rinsed once and then washed my face in warm water.
It's getting easier to wash, and shaving is still ok yet touchy. There were some blood spots during the night, but they seem to wash away gently. It doesn't look like much is abating, but it probably feels a tiny bit less ouch.

Here's after today's shave, and tons of paw paw cream. That I think is the only thing that seems to dependably offer any relief. I think the cortisone cream is ineffective so I'm going without it today, just relying on the physical moisturising of the paw paw which feels lightly greasy in a nice gentle way.

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