Thursday 31 March 2016

Day 21 - Post day 3

This morning I just rinsed my face as I haven't gathered the strength for a shave. The itching was low level last night and whenever I awoke there wasn't as much outright itchiness as previous evenings. On suggestion from a friend I tried sleeping with my head higher up than normal, on a couple of pillows to see if blood circulation may be an influence. It may have helped.

Today's shot is after a rinse, then pawpaw + cortisone cream.
It still looks and feels like hell, but maybe I'm just wimping out.

I will put Efudix on the two known sites of sun spots today ( top left cheek bone and bridge of nose). That would make 21 days of treatment for at least those trouble spots, 18 days treatment for the entire face. That's it!

I hope the healing accelerates soon. Wherever my beard grows is literally painful to touch.

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