Friday 18 March 2016

Day 8 - Start of Week 2

This morning I could feel a gentle stinging when I applied the cream. I'm also going to try it on a spot on my forearm that has a few lumpy flaky bits, to see what will happen.
I have been using three small blobs of cream - about the size of a chick pea - one for my forehead, one for cheekbones, temples and nose, and the third for chin and jaw and cheek.

Now I will use one more for the spot on the crown of my scalp, and the flaky bit on left forearm.

These photos are a bit creepy but hopefully will be of help to someone.

I have my fingers crossed that my course of treatment will not be as painful as some of the other people's that I have stumbled across on the net. There are a couple where their entire face has become one contiguous affected area, rather than the spots I'm having (so far, maybe I'm talking too soon).

Whatever, maybe this will be helpful as a comparison to theirs, in that not all Efudix treatments need be as excruciating. Mine so far has been mildly uncomfortable at most....but then it's only the end of the first week!

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