Wednesday 23 March 2016

Day 13 - slightly 'ouch'

The itchy & scratchy is kind of there all the time but low level enough to not interfere too much. Watching tv I find myself patting my face gently as it tickles/tingles from time to time. I don't think I should do this as I don't want to risk infection.

My face feels like it's very sunburned, ok until you frown or raise your eyebrows and then it's 'ouch'.

Across my nose and cheekbones the spots are joining up into a 'mass'. Where my glasses sit on the bridge of my nose is tender so I didn't put any cream on that spot this morning and will likely reduce the amount I use around there. Last night I used a little section of folded kleenex to pad where my glasses nosepieces were sitting, that seemed to help.

One thing I've noted is to be careful applying cream to folds or creases in the skin, like around the outsides of the nostrils join your face, and where my chin folds, as  I think you can get irritation in those spots.

Anyway, another day down. Having lunch with my cousin and then dinner with a school friend.

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