Wednesday 30 March 2016

Day 20 - Post day 2

Yesterday was spent trying to work out how to stop the stinging. I got some stronger cortisone cream and have found the only thing that doesn't hurt when I apply it - a paw paw cream that actually doesn't sting, and seems to keep things moisturised. Apart from that, not much luck and most of the day was spent with a few ice packs in front of the tv.
I still applied the cream to two spots that I think had actual sunspots that I know of, but have now gone 48 hours without any cream all over, though my face is still quite hot and I don't see anything abating just yet.

Last night got woken up a few times with stinging and itching, but somehow resisted the urge to pat or rub my face , and eventually went back to sleep. Where my beard grows is so painful to touch yet I know it will be torture to shave today!

STOP PRESS. This morning I went to the gym but my chin/beard became so unbearably itchy/stinging (8/10) that I got a bit distressed and had to leave, come home, have a shower and shave. I finished with mix of Dermaid 1% cortisone cream and the paw paw ointment..
It immediately felt better, but unfortunately the relief is short-lived, and I"m again itching on my forehead nearly uncontrollably. I will try to remain calm and see if that helps.

Still look like Deadpool. Worse actually, as I've got blood spots.

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