Tuesday 29 March 2016

Day 19 - Giving up the cream - post Day 1

Yesterday after finding no way to stop the stinging, and another night of little sleep I've decided to stop the cream. I have compared my face to the two example faces on the brochure the Dermo supplied, and I am definitely in the 'severe reaction' side rather than the 'mild reaction'. As I've seen a few people who had severe reactions go to their Dermo who immediately said 'STOP', I figure missing three days won't be critical. The reaction has well and truly spread across my whole face.

This morning shaving was torture, and nothing seemed to not sting, neither water, cortisone cream, moisturiser, nothing. The only thing that seems to dull the pain is gentle pressure like my hands or dabbing the towel. And cold packs. I might try a stronger cortisone cream instead of the 0.5% i've been using so far.

Not sure how to approach the healing, whether just to let it go on its own, or to apply creams etc. I figure it will get a bit worse before it starts to get better, as the reaction is probably still happening.
The brochure suggests two-four weeks of healing, but could be longer. I'm estimating 8 weeks before you can't notice anything.

I enclose another picture of Saint Damien of Molokai, The Leper Priest.
This might be a good 'before' and 'after' shot for Efudix treatment.

Before After

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