Thursday 24 March 2016

Day 14 - two weeks

I have started to gently peel on my forehead, like first skin after a sunburn. Where the bridge of my nose meets my forehead is sore and starting to crust. I try not to raise my eyebrows in surprise as it hurts!

I used some Dermaid (0.5%) gentle cortisone cream, for the first time yesterday evening, waiting a few hours after applying the Efudix. It seemed to tone down the heat/itching/scratching feeling, but not that much. It could have been the 2 ibuprofens as well.

My face is feeling quite warm and tight, and I am reluctant to smile or be very animated. However, yesterday I went out with Dear Cousin and had a huge hamburger, thanks Sabrina. Also had a great dinner with old school friend last night. This morning I think I might have grazed myself shaving, but couldn't see it as everything is red anyway!

Two people I know only did two weeks before stopping - one has suggested I should do the same thing. I'll try a few more days and if it becomes totally unbearable I'll consider that at least I got 14 straight days in. 

Here's today's progress.

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