Sunday 27 March 2016

Day 17 - Ouch

Most of yesterday was pottering around the house, shopping, quiet stuff, and by the afternoon treatment my face had settled down to the point where I'd sometimes not feel and forget the treatment. Going to bed I was much the same, but come 3:00am my god it's like all of a sudden there's stinging and itching that kept me awake the rest of the night.
I'm not sure if there are any factors that increase the uncomfortableness, maybe it's overlap of treatment, lying horizontal..Don't know. But I'm not looking forward to another night of waking at 3.

This morning was very sore and tight, so a gentle face wash with warm water and a cloth, and then the cream, plus I've started taking a couple of Panadol (paracetamol, acetaminophen or 'Tylenol' to those readers who only  know brand names)..the theory being ibuprofen is an anti-inflammatory
and my partner is suggesting that maybe the cream is meant to have an inflammatory action so best not to fight it with. 

It all feels ok now, but I'm now thinking of stopping this before the scheduled Thursday because I'm well and truly over it - only 4.5 days left.

Here's today's shot, showing me in a fetching shade of 'burns victim pink'.

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