Sunday 20 March 2016

Day 10 - Itchy and Scratchy

The mild tingly sunburn feeling is getting stronger, and it's now a noticeable dull sting, especially after washing my face in the morning. It feels better to put the cream back on as I imagine the slight greasiness of it helps.

My spots are getting larger and appear to be joining together a bit. I am hoping it will not become like some of the images I have found on the net from searching for 'Efudix' or 'Efudex'. There are a couple of people there that had almost complete coverage in activity after the first few days. On contacting their Dermo some of them were told they had an aggressive reaction and were advised to stop the treatment right then. So, I'm proposing that not everyone has such aggressive reactions to the cream, but if you do have a reaction that looks extraordinary FOR GOD'S SAKE speak to your Dermo.

 I imagine the itchy & scratchy gets more uncomfortable as it goes on. Not harming or affecting my sleep, and it's mostly in the morning that you notice it.

But again it's only Day 10 - only 11 more to go before I can stop putting the cream on.

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