Monday 21 March 2016

Day 11 - Life Goes On

"Oh the pain, the pain" (Harris, Jonathan - 'Dr Smith' in 'Lost In Space')

Yesterday was a little bit miserable as I have a cough/cold and feeling ratty, plus I have started to be able to feel the itchy & scratchy most of the day. However, I had a very nice dinner with some friends one of whom has been through a Efudix treatment before so we had a lot to talk about.

This morning I hope my cold retreats a bit, and I am now more than half way through the application days....and then have to deal with the healing days that kick off April Fools Day (1/4/16). And I talked my credit card company out of a late payment fee that they charged, so a good start to the day.

Here is today's gorgeous portrait.

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